School of Health Sciences & Education

American Sign Language, Minor



美国手语是聋人社区使用的一种强大的视觉语言. 父母和教育工作者也使用这种语言来加强与自闭症儿童的沟通,甚至提高婴儿的早期语言技能. In our ASL minor program, you will learn by doing. 欧宝体育app入口的学习机会将让您沉浸在语言和聋人文化中. Experiences include deaf hospital simulation, ASL Club, Sign Jam, and service-learning projects abroad.



Offered: On-Campus

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belltower illustration

ASL offers some courses within the minor online


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The SFU Learning Experience

American Sign Language the Saint Francis Way

辅修美国手语使学生能够发展必要的文化规范知识, values and traditions within the Deaf community, 以及在一对一的会话中使用美国手语的能力.  学生将了解美国主流听力文化对耳聋的病理观点,并具备在文化和病理观点之间进行导航的能力.

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Did you know?


The ASL minor can be taken by any major at Saint Francis University. 它在追求医疗保健和教育事业的学生中非常受欢迎.  




Immerse Yourself and Build ASL Skills

As a minor in the ASL program, 您将发展强大的美国手语会话技能,并在聋人社区建立关系. Here are some of the experiences that our students have.

Deaf Hospital Simulation: 这种互动体验暴露了聋人在与卫生保健提供者互动时所忍受的沟通障碍. 欧宝体育app入口鼓励听力正常的学生和教师沉浸在聋人医院中, escorted by ASL students, 去了解当你的医生用不同的语言交流时是什么感觉.

Sign Day: 这个一年一度的活动是对K-12年级学生的一个有趣的美国手语介绍! 

ASL Club: 打破压迫或歧视之墙的第一步是提高意识. 许多人几乎没有与聋人社区的人接触的经历,并且经常将耳聋视为一种残疾.  The ASL Club, with support from the Deaf Community, 传播意识,让人们意识到聋人和正常人一样是非常成功的.


Honor Society: SFU has an official chapter of the ASL Honor Society.


ASL honor society

Study Abroad: 美国手语辅修课程包括美国手语(ASL)沉浸式体验,以提高美国手语技能,同时通过服务实现他们的方济各价值观. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that students will only find at SFU. The immersions vary, 但他们总是让学生关掉他们的声音,这样他们就可以提高他们的美国手语技能.



What You’ll Learn in the American Sign Language Program

ASL is an integral part of the Deaf community and Deaf culture. Through a minor in ASL, 学生将有机会获得对不同聋人群体的尊重, 欣赏文化的独特性,了解聋人社区面临的道德问题. 学生将通过他们对聋人文化的了解和强大的美国手语会话技能与聋人社区建立关系. Their educational experience will grow through interaction, and their careers will be enhanced by having the unique ability to use ASL.

American Sign Language Minor

Enables students to develop the necessary knowledge of the cultural norms, values, and traditions within the Deaf community, 以及在一对一的会话中使用美国手语的能力.  Upon successful completion of the ASL Minor, students will have Deaf cultural awareness and ASL conversational skills.

Course Catalog - 23/24

Ready to Learn More about ASL at Saint Francis?


Program Roots

Karen Walkney-Mrdjenovich


美国手语在SFU的发展始于Karen walney - mrdjenovich的愿景,即实施美国手语语言学和聋人文化研究的综合课程. Deaf since birth, 凯伦是一名经验丰富的教师,她强烈希望保护自己的母语,并向听力正常的人群广泛宣传聋人文化. 


Like other cultures, 美国的聋人文化有许多细微差别和地区差异,这对美国手语的研究至关重要. 对沃克尼-杰诺维奇来说,重要的是发展美国手语辅修课程,为学生提供深入的知识和接触文化的机会, arts, and linguistics of the Deaf. 在圣弗朗西斯辅修美国手语的学生将学到比语言本身更多的东西:对非语言的天生理解, 视觉语言,如美国手语,需要通过SFU强大的课程提供的学术研究和社会学和文化研究. 


Karen walney - mrdjenovich的愿景在2011年实现,当时美国手语协会, initially implemented as an Honors Program elective, 被正式批准为辅修课程,并迅速发展成为全校范围内的语言选择. —Don Mrdjenovich


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Experienced faculty who love to teach


Department Contact: Dean Papalia, ASL Coordinator,



  • I have taken some ASL courses already, which class should I take?

    If you have previous experience or coursework in ASL, 在美国手语协调员的指导下,欧宝体育app入口将在办公室进行美国手语技能评估, Dean Papalia. 技能评估是一个非正式的15-20分钟的对话式面试. 技能评估决定了在相应水平的语言班(ASL 112)的安排, 201, or 250).

    欧宝体育app入口的录取与学术部门是分开的. The skills assessment would determine class placement, but will have no bearing on your admission status.

  • Can I take ASL class without declaring the ASL Minor degree?


  • Will we have virtual ASL classes?

    Yes, we will have online ASL-112 Beginner’s and ASL-201 Intermediate classes. 欧宝体育app入口课程的其余课程强调通过学生和老师之间持续的课堂互动来学习视觉语言.

  • What will I receive after completing the ASL Program?

    Yes, you will receive the ASL Minor degree. 您将能够获得有关聋人文学的宝贵技能和知识, culture and community. That can lead you to better job opportunities with ASL strong foundations.